Sunday, 21 November 2010

One shot group edit + rationale

This is our final one shot video. It was fun making it and looks effective with the projection which makes one it appear unique. This was our group edit.

The one shot project was the one i enjoyed the most. I felt more in my comfort zone as i love anything to do with film and cameras etc. In terms of the various ideas we thought of as a group, we decided to experiment and make the idea as original as we could make it. We came to a conclusion that we would film someones thoughts. An idea of thought bubbles was discussed and was developed further so that thought bubbles would be projected onto a screen. We were originally going to have moving images in the thought bubbles but due to timing restrictions we used still images instead. The thoughts were pre recorded and were projected onto a screen on the day of the shoot.
Our first shoot established many problems and scenarios we struggled to resolve. It was a day of trial and error mainly because it was the first time we had worked together. It was difficult to establish who was doing what as everyone had a go at everything instead of having set jobs. In addition, there were flaws with the actually composition, for example there were objects and other distractions that were hard to avoid. Therefore we booked a different room knowing what to expect and filmed a few days later.
Our second shoot was more successful; the composition was good and had no distractions from fixings/objects. However as a team we found it hard to master the technique of lighting. We kept having trouble with shadows and spent quite some time trying to conquer and achieve the best lighting. Despite this, it was a lot of fun and achieved a good one shot in terms of the composition and narrative.

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