Gaze from Dan Bissill on Vimeo.
This is the groups edit of gaze. I believe on the whole, the fim was a success and was definately original. The script has been edited to suit the group and have added a few more scenes in for comical purposes!
Gaze individual edit from Dan Bissill on Vimeo.
This is my individual edit of the film gaze. I have shortened some of the unecessary clips and have added smoother transitions. Additionally the music has been changed as i wanted to experiment with different moods that music can have on the audience. Also, some slow motion effects have been introduced to give the 'car' scene some more tension.
1 EXT. STREET. (close up)Teddy is found laid in a muddy puddle.(camera zooms out)TEDDY
There'll come a time when I'll look at the world and it will look back at me
Pedestrians/cars rush past the Teddy without noticing it.
And I won't be there to see it
Teddy gets up and starts walking off.
2 INT. BEDROOM. (teddy walks into shot) The Teddy finds the house of its owner. It enters the house, climbs upstairs (camera from teddy’s P.O.V or follows it) and goes to the girl’s bedroom. There is a row of photos perfectly lined on the window sill. A desk with a pile of study books, homework and a laptop. There is a cork board on the wall with a perfectly cut out exam timetable to leave no excess. (camera cuts to show each thing the shows teddy leaving room)
I've always been invisible. Had the ability.
My mummy had me for a limited time only
Teddy exits the room.
3 INT. LIVING ROOM. (camera facing teddy then cuts to show girl entering) Girl walks homework under her arm and delicately places it on the coffee table. The Teddy is sat on the sofa and she sits on him. (camera is facing side so you can see teddy being sat on)
And if I shouted she could sometimes hear me
(camera facing girl) Girl looks puzzled as she hears the Teddy. She pulls him out from under her and throws him to one side of the room. (camera follows teddy as he flies through the air then camera cuts to show teddy getting up and leaving) Teddy gets up and exits the room.
4 INT.KITCHEN. (medium shot) Teddy is sat at the kitchen table. The stereo is playing. (close up on stereo) We can see the volume has been turned down to zero
But of course she couldn't
Teddy goes to turn up radio and Celine Dion’s “All by myself” is playing. (full shot of table) Teddy places head on table and starts to cry.
5 EXT. PARK. (camera pans and stops to show swing & teddy walking away from it) The empty swing gently moves back and forth.
If you let me creep up on you
(medium shot) Teddy is seen drinking a bottle of vodka (close up shot of bottle)The bottle of vodka slowly empties
(medium shot) Teddy is seen drinking a bottle of vodka (close up shot of bottle)The bottle of vodka slowly empties
I can make you disappear too
(camera moves away from teddy and teddy moves towards it) Teddy is staggering around the park, pissed out of his face.
(camera moves away from teddy and teddy moves towards it) Teddy is staggering around the park, pissed out of his face.
I could just tell you some things. Things you don't want to hear. Things no one should have to hear
(close up)The Teddy snorts a line of cocaine (crushed up paracetamol) and injects himself with heroin (syringe from a fancy dress shop filled with water)
(full shot) The Teddy makes its way over to the car park.
But it can't be your fault
(medium shot of the teddy) The sound of a car engine is heard followed by a horn, the Teddy turns around (faces camera then camera goes behind the teddy to show the car) and is struck by a car. It flies through the air and lands on the ground.
(close up of teddy laying on the ground)
I am invisible you see. And now I am gone