Wednesday, 2 March 2011


Possible entrances for my roller coaster. Still need to decide fast which one if any i want to use and create in 3Dmaxs.

Cart designs

My cart design was fairly short and snappy. I didn't want a wacky cart, i wanted a more conventional cart which was simple but looked effective. Therfore i used cart one. I still need to tweak it a bit on 3Dmax but the general shape is there.

I may add some side banisters, however still needs some deciding to whether it will look bad or not.

Furthermore, i need to add a design to the cart.. i was thinking my initials... afterall i did create this roller coaster!

Adding textures and making something glow!

Recently had a go at adding textures etc to objects. At first it was hard to get used to, but i think i have come to terms with it... although i still need to look through the notes on the NOW!

Also had a go at making things glow and blurring them to make a cool effect.